Another great golf day for A.R.C.H

The sun finally shone on Saturday February 23, enabling the ARCH tournament to go ahead. 48 golfers turned up for a shotgun start in the beautiful surroundings of the fabulous Marbella Golf Country Club, which was followed by a delicious 3 course lunch.

Prize giving was hosted by Mike Munden, General Manager. Our thanks go to the GECKO Pro Tour who played a huge part in sponsoring the prizes. Donna and George Twyman and Hugh and Carol Craig collected their 1st place prize from General Manager Mike Munden. An auction and raffle helped to raise enough money to buy a lorry load of hay for the horses and donkeys of ARCH.

ARCH would like to say a big thank you to all who turned out to support this twice-annual event and especially to the staff of Marbella Golf for their hard work during the event.

The success of the day will help ARCH to continue their very important work of rescuing; rehabilitating and re-homing abused and abandoned horses, donkeys and mules.

















Information on ARCH future events can be found at and

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