St. Patrick’s Day Tournament 2016 at Marbella Golf


A field of 64 players, members and guests, competed in our annual St. Patrick´s Day Texas Scramble tournament on Thursday the 17th March 2016. It began with coffee and bacon rolls before heading out to the assigned tees for a shot gun start, which is a specialty of MGCC. The competition was very close with only 0.2 points separating 1st and 2nd places. After the competition everyone gathered on our sea view terrace for traditional Guinness beef stew and fish pie which was served to over 90 guests followed by prize awarding and entertainment.

The winners of the competition were:

1st Team: Bernie McDonald, Miny Verboon, Brendan McDonald and Norman Cameron with 55.2 points

2nd Team: Steve Cullen, Ray Norris, Anita Cullen and Maxine Hobson with 55.3 points

3rd Team: Kari Huttunen, Roland Johansson, Henrietta Huttunen and Monica Holmqvist-Johansson with 57 points

The best dressed ladies were Anna Allen and Audrey Gibson.

We hope to see you all again in the next year’s event!

1st Team: The McDonalds, Norman Cameron and Miny Verboon

2nd Team: The Cullens, Maxine Hobson and Ray Norris

3rd Team: The Huttunen and The Johanssons

Best dressed ladies

Enjoying the after golf meal

Enjoying the after golf meal

Enjoying the after golf meal

The Allens and The Gibsons ready to play