Captain’s Corner – New Committee at Marbella Golf

At the Annual General Meeting in October, Members elected in a new Committee of Steve Cullen (President), Les McGlasson (Captain), Roger Kemp (Vice Capt.), Sheelagh Maloney and Jan Zad. As incoming Captain, Les McGlasson now takes over the Captain’s Corner: 

It is an honour to be asked to hold the position of Captain at Marbella Golf Country Club and for that I express my sincere thanks to those who asked me to stand and to the members at the AGM who voted for me.

For the past few years, we have been fortunate to have had Steve Cullen as Captain who worked tirelessly with the President Ray Norris and Committee members to make sure both on and off the course, being a member at Marbella Golf CC would be an enjoyable and pleasing experience.

My aim along with my fellow Committee members is to uphold that principle, making Marbella Golf CC always a place for all, to be socially inclusive and, above all, to be known as a warm and friendly club.

My early experiences lead me to believe the Committee can have a good working relationship with the Management. Both parties want a successful and vibrant golf club and for that reason it’s important that a good understanding of both positions is respected.

We have all seen the vast improvement Monty and his staff have made to the golf course backed by the substantial investment of the clubs’ owners. On behalf of the members a sincere thank you.

In recent months, the club has attracted many new members which is enhancing the atmosphere at both competition and social events This is due to coordinated efforts from Management, our past Captain and individual members, and the collective aim is to continue this upward trend.

On 21st October, we held a one-off Autumn event (in place of the Captain’s Day which has been postponed to 17th February 2023). It was very well attended and an enjoyable day. Winning this Individual Stableford event with a fantastic score of 45 points was Sheelagh Maloney.

The Annual Ryder Cup tournament was held over two days in early November with the President’s team beating the Captain’s team after a stunning comeback in the second day singles matches.

Then, on 25th November, we had another excellent day for the Annual Thanksgiving Tournament with the team of Dulcinea Antonsson, Frank Van Grieken, Erika Harzheim and Steve Cullen winning 1st prize in the Texas Scramble.

As this is the final Newsletter of the year, I would like to wish all our readers a Happy Festive Season and all the best for 2023. 

Les McGlasson

Marbella Golf Captain