Minutes of the Members’ Committee Meeting held at 15.00 on 4th May 2015

Minutes of the Members’ Committee Meeting held at 15.00 on 4th May 2015

In attendance:

John McNamara, President (JM)

Stuart Patterson, Captain (SP)

Greg Peck, Vice Captain (GP)

Tom Richardson (TR)

Steve Cullen (SC)

Yumiko Smith (YS)

Mike Munden, General Manager (MM)

1. Opening

JM opened the meeting was opened and thanked all for attending.

2. Minutes of Previous Meeting:

The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved.

3. Course/Clubhouse Update:

MM distributed a hand-out detailing all the course projects that will be carried out in the coming months.

Many of these projects have already been discussed and agreed in principle in the Green Committee.

The major projects are:

Hole 10.

Leveling the left side of the rough/fairway near the cart path. This will prevent shots that land in the middle of the fairway running down to the cart path or even into the lateral hazard.

Hole 1.

Leveling the left side of the rough/fairway adjacent to the driving range. This will prevent shots landing on the fairway from bouncing left and onto the driving range (out of bounds).

Extending the green into the hillside at the rear to provide a larger (and fairer) landing area and green surround area.

Holes 3 and 16.

Move the ladies tee plate to the position of the blue tees.

Holes 10 and 18.

Improve the drainage to prevent water collection across the middle of these two fairways.

Other projects:

Hole 10. Red paint left side cart path /curb to mark the hazard line.

Hole 15. Yellow paint the cart path on the left side of the lake to mark the hazard line.

Hole 2. Red paint the right side cart path from corner to corner.

Hole 6. Red paint left side of cart path to mark the hazard line.

Cart paths repairs on all corners with wear, at the turning circles near the 4th green and 4th tee.

Decoration around the olive tree at the 3rd tee.

Over-seed and sand 11th green to snuff out the rogue, paspalum grass that has crept in.

Some safety issues will be addressed with safety walkways from the high (driving range) side of the practice putting green and going down to the cart garage.

Also during the summer months the practice putting green will be over-seeded and sanded. A temporary green will be made at the side of the clubhouse for the duration of this procedure.

4. Green Committee (GC) Report:

SC reported that the last GC meeting minutes had already been circulated to Committee members.

Those minutes covered many of the projects outlined by MM n 3 above.

5. Captain’s Report:

SP provided an update on Jim Kalima’s wife. Thankfully she has made some good progress this week which, if it continues, could result in her being released from hospital within 2 weeks. The Kalima family remains very much in the thoughts of the MGCC membership, management and staff with the hope of a rapid and complete recovery.

A new Calendar of Events will be published shortly. MM suggested that President’s Day be earlier in the year and not held on a weekend, suggesting a Friday around end Feb/early March. JM agreed and the date will be finalized in good time before next year’s event.

Away days are booked for Flamingos and Guadalhorce when big tournaments taking place at MGCC.

6. Committee Members for 2016:

JM announced that he would be happy to remain President for another year and asked if current Committee members are committed to serving another year. All responded in the affirmative.

It was also agreed that the size of the current Committee is appropriate for the club at present.

7. Any Other Business:

AGM. The traditional timing of the AGM in October has been a 6.30pm start. A consequence of this late start on a Friday evening has been that a number of members have been unable to attend. It was suggested that AGM should in future be moved to a 3.30pm start thereby encouraging greater participation from members who would be able to stay on after their regular Friday round. The Committee unanimously agreed to the change of timing.

MM announced that membership rates have been increased by 10% but remains in line with other, comparable clubs in the area. A letter announcing this increase will be prepared and distributed to all members via email.

New flagsticks are being ordered and the Committee approved the yellow tapered model proposed by MM.

TR reported that the area just in front of the narrow entrance to the 13th green has become very soft and ‘soggy’. MM will look into this issue.

GP asked if the ‘lift, clean and place’ rule (or “winter rule”) should now be withdrawn, especially with the significant improvement in the condition of the fairways. It was agreed that from 11 May 2015 the ‘lift, clean and place’ rule will no longer be in force.

It was reported that a number of large rocks and stones have been sliding down the hillside to the left of the 5th fairway. MM will follow up.

MM announced that Danny (Jnr) and Antonio have now been appointed to full time duties managing the carts, having them clean, charged and ready for play. This will release the other marshals to concentrate on starter duties and overseeing players, speed of play etc out on the course.

8. Date of Next Meeting:

The date for the next Committee Meeting was set for 3.00pm on 8th June 2015.