Minutes of the Members’ Committee Meeting held at 15.00 on 3rd August 2015

Minutes of the Members’ Committee Meeting held at 15.00 on 3rd August 2015

In attendance:

Stuart Patterson, Captain (SP)

Greg Peck, Vice Captain (GP)

Yumiko Smith (YS)

Steve Cullen (SC)

Mike Munden, General Manager (MM)

Tom Richardson (TR)

1. Opening

Without the availability of Club President, John McNamara, SP took the chair. SP opened and thanked all for attending. Apologies for absence were received from John McNamara.

2. Minutes of Previous Meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved.

3. Course/Green Committee Update:

As reported in previous Committee Meetings, there is now a schedule of projects, drawn up in conjunction with the Green Committee, which will be carried out in the coming months. Key items are:

Hole 10.

The raising and leveling the left side of the rough/fairway near the cart path has commenced. The earth moving will be finished by approximately 10th August. This will be followed by re-turfing. The objective is to bring the landing area closer to the men’s tee to make it reachable for the majority of players. The leveling and the establishment of a two-tier fairway between the tree and the cart path will prevent shots hit to the middle of the fairway falling away towards the cart path. There will still be a slope down to the cart path but the rough will be allowed to grow a little longer on that slope, also preventing roll off.

Hole 1.

Rather than leveling the left side of the rough/fairway running alongside the driving range, fairway will be cut further away from the out of bounds line and the rough will be grown a little longer to prevent balls from running off onto the driving range.

Hole 11.

Rather than close the 11th green and completely re-turfing it, the invasion of paspalum grass will be cut out in stages and re-seeded with bent grass.

Practice Putting Green.

The plan to close the practice green for complete renovation has been shelved for the time being.

Other summer projects:

Ladies tees: New tee box on Hole 10 is ready and the red ladies’ competion plate can be placed on the new tee from now onwards.

Hole 10. Red paint left side cart path /curb to mark the hazard line.

Hole 7. Red paint along the right edge of the cart path up to the sharp right turn at the end of the hazard.

Hole 15. Yellow paint the cart path on the left side of the lake to mark the hazard line.

Toilet facility at the cortijo.

New, larger white OB posts on holes 5, 8, 14 & 15.

New flagsticks and flags. These will be put in place mid-September.

Safety rails on walkways from the high (driving range) side of the practice putting green, along the steps to the rear car park and along the road going down to the cart garage.

4. Members’ Competitions

SP introduced proposed changes for the members’ Monday, Wednesday & Friday competitions. The following arrangements will be in place effective from Monday, 17th August:


The sign-up sheet will be formatted in 4-balls. This will allow members to either arrange their own 4-ball group in advance, or to place their name on the sign-up sheet either alone or with 1 or 2 other members. Other members will then have the choice to enter their name(s) into the 4-Ball on the sheet.


Members sign up in the usual way. Monty Bordelon (MGCC Professional) will arrange the 4-Balls in descending handicap order from those members who have signed up for the day’s competition.


Members sign up in the usual way and the 4-Ball groupings will be drawn from 3 pots. One pot each for handicap categories 0-12, 13-18, 19+.

The fourth member of the 4-Ball will be selected by the organizer.

5. Committee Members for 2016

SP reported that JM has confirmed that he is willing to stand as MGCC President for one more year, until AGM 2016.

As reported at the last Committee Meeting, all current Committee members are willing to serve another year. SP will refer the nominations and seek ‘proposers’ and ‘seconders’ for each of the current committee members. SP will also announce to members that anyone else wishing to stand for Committee may do so, provided that the Committee receives a nomination – with proposer and seconder – by end August 2015.

6. Date of Next Meeting

The date for the next Committee Meeting was provisionally set for 3.00pm on 5th October 2015.