Faithful to its annual event, and despite the difficulties generated by the crisis in the sector of golf in Spain, last week were developed in Marbella the VIII International Golf and Environment Congress by PROMOTUR, this time focusing on the sustainability of golf tourism. During two days the event attendees enjoyed a series of interesting presentations, animated speeches and dynamic discussions that allowed learning more and bettering some technical aspects of our sport.
The different presentations of the conference focused on aspects of strategic planning (analysis of the Plan of management of the territory of the Costa del Sol and golf courses of tourist interest in Andalusia projects), University research (management of water resources in the fields of golf Spain, biodiversity studies in the Málaga coast golf courses and studies of irrigation with reclaimed water), new technologies (GIS application in the design and environmental integration of golf courses and integration of control systems in the irrigation of golf courses), design, reform and landscape integration of tours, as well as of economic management of clubs.
Also I had the opportunity (which here would like to thank the organizers) develop a paper on environmental certifications in golf facilities, an element of environmental management (quite more widespread outside our borders than within them) that provide sports facilities the opportunity to differentiate themselves from others promoting its commitment to the environment. The certifications more known, because they are focused toward the environment or the quality (ISO 14001 & ISO 9001, EMAS, GEO, Audubon, UNE 188001), presented a series of characteristics that make them some very useful tools for the daily life of any club, field or golf resort.
The details of the conference, as well as summaries of the presentations made, will be soon published on the website of the organization,, available to all those interested in understanding aspects technical golf is not only a game (much more) in this exciting industry.
Alejandro Rodríguez Nagy
Consultor Golf Sostenible
Twitter: @cgolfsostenible
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