Huge success of the Fundatul Charity Tournament

On the 6th December 2014 the 1st Annual Charity Golf Tournament in aid of FUNDATUL (Tutelary and Personal Assistance Foundation for handicapped people) was held at Marbella Golf County Club. The aim of this tournament was to raise funds to continue with our work to train to employ these persons and afterwards to find an employment for them with the same rights and duties as other people, which is called according to the law “Work with Help”. With the help of our collaborators, both members as well as persons who give us donations, we just manage to continue our tasks, for which reason we always need more collaborators and members to help us.

We would like to thank all the people who collaborated in this event (players, businesses who donated gifts for the winners and for the raffle, the staff of Marbella Golf Country Club, the media, Local Government teams, Sponsors, Fundatul staff and many other persons …). The Tournament was a huge success and we were lucky with the excellent sunny weather that accompanied us.

The winners were:

– Scratch winner: Antonio Pimentel, with 35 points

– 1st place Men: Nicolás Larrain Alba, with 35 points

– 1st place Ladies: Pilar Scenna Porcelli, with 30 points

– Longest drive men: Antonio Pimentel

– Longest drive ladies: Pilar Scenna Porcelli

– Nearest to pin men: Salvador Gil

– Nearest to pin ladies: Paloma Casal

Nobody was lucky enough to win the Car Hole in 1, sponsored by Marbecar Opel; to whom we are very grateful for their collaboration. We would also like to thank our sponsor ACOSOL for the help received. We would like to count with the help of all of you, plus anybody else that would like join, for future events in aid of our FUNDATUL Foundation.