Change in UK Legislation in insurance on UK Plated cars


From 20th June the UK brought in new legislation.  All UK registered cars have to be insured (except if they are SORN).  The MIB (Motor Insurance Bureau) is a database of all UK plated vehicles and if a car isnt insured, the MIB will find out. European Companies share information with the MIB so if you have a UK plated car here in Spain and it is insured here, then OK, however many customers decide not to re- insure their car if they are going back to the UK for long periods and the car is locked away or garaged.  However cars without insurance will be liable for heavy penalties and fines. So just take out the most basic cover whilst you aren’t here, costs can be much lower than you think to save yourself a fine…


Did you know? If a UK plated car is being driven on Spanish roads without MOT or road tax, it is illegal. The Spanish traffic police are stepping up their campaign and every day 100s of UK plated cars are taken off the road and impounded.  It is not worth the fines or the hassle.   Changing your car to Spanish registration is a simple and easy process costs dependent upon the make and model and value of your car.  The change can be carried out within 7 – 10 days if you use the right company.